The ULC is proud to present "Universal Day", a holiday we created for ministers and members of our international church. We'd be thrilled to have all our members in Tennessee participate this November 3rd. Universal Day is all about raising your voice to make a positive difference in your community. There are myriad ways to mark the occasion, but we'd encourage you to read more about how you can observe this special day in Tennessee below.
1. Become Ordained in Tennessee
Before you proceed further, be sure to get ordained with the Universal Life Church Ministries (assuming you haven't done so already). The ULCM provides ordination to anyone of legal age who feels so-called. We believe that every person has the right to express their faith as they see fit, and we give them the tools to do so. Applying to become ordained only takes a few minutes, and is completely free. Click below to get started!
2. Vote in Tennessee

For centuries, citizens of the world have used voting (in one form or another) to effect change. Voting is a key aspect of being a human, and a great way to recognize Universal Day.
As a registered Tennessee voter, you are eligible to receive an absentee ballot by completing the application linked below with your state. There is a cutoff date, so you should make that ballot request soon! Being a minister of the Universal Life Church Ministries, you have the legal right to specify that you are requesting this absentee ballot for religious reasons, as on Universal Day you are encouraged to stay safely at home while still making your voice heard. Remember to mail back your ballot early enough that it can be counted on Universal Day!
Voter Registration Details
- In-person Registration Deadline: 10/5/2020
- Mail Registration Deadline: Postmarked 10/5/2020
- Online Registration Deadline: 10/4/2020
- Election-Day Registration: Not Allowed
Register to Vote
If you are not already registered to vote in Tennessee, you can do that by following the link here:
Taking Time Off Work
For all those casting their vote in-person this Universal Day, please do heed carefully all of the safety advice handed down to us by medical professionals. If you are currently employed, your employer should offer reasonable accommodations so you can safely your vote, a responsibility we all have as citizens. If for any reason your employer does not provide this option, we would encourage you to let them know that on November 3rd you are planning to observe Universal Day, a religious holiday, and request that you be given accommodations to celebrate this special holiday. This may go without saying, but you should cast your ballot for the leaders and causes that best represent your vision for the world.
3. Write to Elected Officials
Here's the upshot: pushing for a better tomorrow doesn't end at the ballot box or polling station. Another fantastic method for celebrating Universal Day is by making use of your voice to communicate directly with your elected representatives. Let these folks know what you think is important, and how they could be doing a better job. It's their responsibility to represent you; it's your job to ensure they know what you want to say! Enter your zip code below to see contact information for your elected officials and get in touch on Universal Day!
4. Meditate or Pray
As Gandhi so wisely reminded us, we must become the change we wish to see in the world. All progress starts at home. One vital way of marking Universal Day is setting aside some time to reflect and make contact with yourself. Whether you are centering these prayers around a higher being or nothing at all, that meditation can help you identify and isolate what truly matters in your life. With those marching orders in mind and your body and mind at peace, you are ready to go and make some real change!
5. Help Build Community
Brothers and Sisters of the Universal Life Church Ministries are bold, empowered, and energized individuals who are interested in exploring the big questions of the cosmos. But on many fronts, humanity finds itself at a crossroads. The world requires collaboration and action to forge the right path forward - the kind that only comes from joining many individual voices together. Connect with your fellow ministers using the links below!
Stay Connected
This Universal Day, consider (safely) banding together with like minded people in your community and making use of that group energy to push for change and stand up for what is right.